Safe sex also known as safer sex is a way to protect and prevent you from the possibility of catching HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Safe sex means not allowing body fluids- blood, semen, vaginal fluids- into your body from one partner to the other.
Although safe sex doesn't guarantee that you will not catch HIV, but it reduces the risk enormously.
The only way for not getting the sexually transmitted diseases (STD) is abstinence that is having no sex at all. But this is not possible and you cannot refrain from involving into sexual activity therefore safe sex becomes important. Some STDs can be treated but there is no cure for many of them. HIV and Hepatitis B have serious effects on the people affected by it. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is caused by HIV infection (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). A person who has been infected with HIV is an HIV positive (HIV ) otherwise he or she is known as being HIV negative (HIV-). AIDS and HIV are incurable. Safe sex is the only way to protect from such incurable diseases. HIV virus is transmitted through body fluids including blood, ejaculate (cum), pre-ejaculate (pre-cum) and female genital fluids (both vaginal and cervical fluid). Therefore it is necessary to take precautions and keep yourself protected from the virus as well as protecting your partners. Going for sex without the use of condom carries the highest risk of getting the sex diseases.
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Safe sex also means avoiding contact with your partner's infected body parts such as herpes sores or warts. Although oral sex is considered safe yet there is risk involved if one of the partner's has gum problems. Bleeding gums and other teeth diseases can get you close to STDs. Herpes has been said to be transmitted from genitals to mouth and mouth to genitals. You may also have cut or sores in your mouth that could cause harm. Oral sex is much less risky than anal or vaginal sex.
Sexually transmitted diseases can be caused if a person has multiple sex partners. If a person has sex with an STD or HIV infected person or has sex with a person who has multiple sex partners.
To protect you from sexually transmitted diseases you should have safe sex. For that the use of condoms is the safest method. Condoms guarantees 90% safety if used properly. Whatever type of sexual activity you are involved in it is important to play safe and prevent yourself from unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
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